Posts tagged food styling
How to create interest in monochromatic images for food photography

Monochromatism is the use of just one colour in an image. It’s also used to refer to the use of just one colour plus a neutral shade (such as a white background).

This may sound a little… dare I say… boring? Flat? I promise you, when used in the right way, it is anything but boring and flat. Here are my favourite ways to add some flavour, some spice, some zing, to a monochromatic image. But don’t just stop at monochromatic images - these tips can be applied to non-monochromatic images too!

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Shoestring Food Photography - a budget food photography guide

Shoestring Food Photography is an e-book, guide, PDF, document, whatever you want to call it, all about starting food photography on a budget.

Do you often feel like you can’t afford to invest in expensive photography equipment? Or do you look at gorgeous images and think that you’re not ‘creative enough’ to create those images too? Do you want to LEARN how to think of these ideas? This guide is for you!

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